Strategic SEO for Online Stores

Attract more customers with a high-performing site!

SEO experts
+ 0
Successful projects
+ 0
+ 0
Years of experience
+ 0

What you get from us

  1. Advanced SEO for online stores
  2. Increased organic traffic
  3. Full technical site optimization
  4. High-quality content creation
  5. Ongoing tracking and updates
  6. Free monthly SEO consultation

Partner with leading experts in E-commerce SEO

Benefit from our extensive expertise to drive high-quality traffic to your online store and increase your sales.

We develop effective strategies to meet the specific needs and goals of your company.

Let us help your business grow organically and secure your place as a market leader. With our team, you’ll enjoy long-term, impactful results.

Become the next chapter in our success story!

After 12 months of SEO, Paul ranks #1 for “social media course” on Google.

Google rankings: We secured top positions, including #1 for key services and relevant keywords, surpassing other agencies and experts in Romania offering social media courses.

Through SEO-driven exposure, IntelligentBee experienced significant growth in website traffic.

The impact of SEO was evident within the first month, resulting in more leads and a steady increase in new clients.

By achieving the #1 spot on Google’s first page, sales saw a significant boost within just 3 months.

Since the start of our collaboration in April 2024, organic traffic has grown exponentially, reaching 3.145 by July 2024.

A 400% growth in just 9 months of SEO.
After 5 months, the site’s organic traffic doubled from 4.000 clicks per month to 8.000.

Google impressions doubled year-over-year, while the click-through rate increased by approximately 5.000.

Benefit from expert support
to thrive online!

Un bărbat prezintă strategii SEO pe o tablă într-un cadru de birou, reprezentând o agenție de marketing înfloritoare. Între timp, doi oameni se concentrează atent la computerele lor din prim plan.

1. Complete website evaluation

Discover the issues with your online store and key opportunities to unlock its full potential with a no-cost SEO audit.

2. Dedicated SEO professionals

Elevate your online store with the help of our experienced team! We’ll discuss your needs and create a custom plan to achieve your goals. There’s nothing better than collaborating with dedicated SEO specialists.

3. Exclusive discounts

Boost your website’s performance without heavy spending! With a 12-month SEO package, you get one month for free.

Our efforts deliver results!
We grow your business just like we’ve grown our clients’

Full SEO audit for

O persoană care folosește un smartphone cu diagrame de date pe ecran, înconjurată de analize imprimate și grafice pe un birou de lemn, arată priceperea unui PRO Marketing profund implicat în analiza strategiei.
Oamenii de la o agenție de marketing analizează grafice și diagrame de pe laptopuri și tablete la o masă cu fișe de date tipărite, un caiet, un suport pentru pix și o ceașcă de cafea, discutând despre strategiile SEO și marketingul serviciilor pentru campania viitoare.

Bespoke SEO solutions

Want to differentiate yourself from the competition? You need a personalized SEO strategy! We dive deep into your industry, learn more about your market, and provide the best solutions for you.

Let our team optimize your online store to maximize your search visibility! We’re dedicated to helping you attract as many clients as possible through organic tactics.

Best rated experts

Client stories and reviews

Struggling to sell more and grow your business?

We’re here to help!

Our ingredients for
effective optimization

1. Website analysis

We assess your website to uncover areas that can be improved for better performance.

2. Customized plan

We craft a strategy designed to meet the unique needs of your online store.

3. Execution

We optimize both technical and non-technical aspects to make your site visible and user-friendly.

4. Performance tracking

We provide easy-to-understand reports that highlight progress and performance metrics.

5. Continuous optimization

We constantly refine our strategy based on market trends to ensure long-term success.

Tell us what you need!
We’ll make it happen

O persoană în cămașă albastră stă într-un cadru de birou cu textul: „Vlad Popescu, CEO & Senior SEO Specialist la Marketing PRO, oferind servicii de marketing agentie de top.
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