SEO optimization

Ensure your customers can always find your products or services!

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After 12 months of SEO, Paul ranks #1 for “social media course” on Google.

Google rankings: We secured top positions, including #1 for key services and relevant keywords, surpassing other agencies and experts in Romania offering social media courses.

Through SEO-driven exposure, IntelligentBee experienced significant growth in website traffic.

The impact of SEO was evident within the first month, resulting in more leads and a steady increase in new clients.

By achieving the #1 spot on Google’s first page, sales saw a significant boost within just 3 months.

Since the start of our collaboration in April 2024, organic traffic has grown exponentially, reaching 3.145 by July 2024.

A 400% growth in just 9 months of SEO.
After 5 months, the site’s organic traffic doubled from 4.000 clicks per month to 8.000.

Google impressions doubled year-over-year, while the click-through rate increased by approximately 5.000.

Full SEO audit for

O persoană care zâmbește în timp ce stă la un birou într-un mediu de birou, ținând un pix lângă bărbie, emană încredere, întruchipând spiritul unui expert în marketing de agenție.

See how we’ve achieved
excellent results for our clients!

Streamlined process to boost your Gomag store

1. Website review

We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your Gomag store, pinpointing technical issues and content gaps that need optimization.

2. SEO strategy

We design a tailored SEO plan for your store with a strong focus on keyword relevance and website structure optimization.

Într-un cadru de întâlnire, o persoană tastează pe un laptop care afișează diagrame și grafice de afaceri bazate pe SEO, îmbinând eficient analiza cu informații strategice.

3. Effective implementation

We apply the latest SEO best practices to both the technical and content elements of your Gomag store, boosting its visibility and improving user engagement.

4. Monitoring

We regularly update you with detailed reports that show how our optimization tactics are impacting your site’s performance.

5. Continuous adjustment

We keep your strategy flexible and adjust it as needed to maintain your store’s competitive edge and ensure lasting success.

Textul îngroșat scrie „MARKETINGPRO” cu majuscule albastre și portocalii, surprinzând perfect esența unui serviciu de marketing de top. Indiferent dacă sunteți în căutarea expertizei SEO sau a serviciilor complete de marketing, acest brand este un adevărat PRO Marketing.
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O persoană în cămașă albastră stă într-un cadru de birou cu textul: „Vlad Popescu, CEO & Senior SEO Specialist la Marketing PRO, oferind servicii de marketing agentie de top.
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